Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Greatest Marketer..!!

When we talk about greatest marketer, the first few names which come to our mind are Philip Kotler, Steve Jobs or probably Don Draper from the famous 'Mad Men', but here, I'm talking about a man who has changed the whole perspective of marketing. This man paved a path for marketing to be applicable in the field of politics.

That man is none other than our very own Prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi. He is being considered as the greatest marketer alive on earth because of the brilliant application of marketing concepts but the amazing thing is, he has never studied them in any university.
He has not only brought a radical change in Indian politics by establishing victory in the game of throne of the Indian government, but has also set up a benchmark for every other politician to meet in order to even think of getting close to his victory.
He was not a just another prime ministerial candidate, but was a complete wave of change which carried every citizen of this country with it towards the sea shore of a new country, Modified India.

Marketing Strategist

Both Before and after becoming the PM, he has utilized every possible marketing and communication tactics to take down competition. He was the Chief strategy officer for his party and planned many maneuvers which left competition flabbergasted. Use of social media was outstanding throughout his election campaign which targeted Indian youth which forms major part of Indian population. Integrated marketing campaigns were designed which utilized different media to reach every section of society.

He understood the consumer (citizen) and worked on selling hope to them by raising slogans "ache din aane wale hain". He provoked the want of change in people by raising slogan "abki bar Modi sarkar".

The Indian PM, is better known as CMO of India rather than PM, because his focus is shifted from marketing of his party to his country. He planned strategy to enable India to mark her presence in mind of world's superpowers.

He used phrases to tell his story, just as any marketer does. Whether the 4Ps (people private public partnership) or 3Ds (Democracy, Demographic dividend and Demand) or 5Cs water mantra (collect river water, connect rivers, channelize water, control local water & community participation) or 5Fs formula (farm to fibre, fibre to factory, factory to fashion & fashion to foreign), all sounds similar to marketing 4P's coining.

He has been using all mediums of communication, TV, social media, websites and radio also. Recently, PM has started to interact with people of India through all India radio channel, and that is also available at social media through #MannKiBaat for people who don't follow radio channel.

Digital Era PM #NarendaModi

 After becoming the Prime Minister of the country, his dedication towards reaching out to audience through nontraditional ways didn't die out. He established which is a unique of its kind website for awakening Indians to take action and inviting others also through social media. He also launched separate websites, social media pages and hash-tags for every campaign ls launched. Whether or or, each of these websites are attracting more audience than any established MN-C's website. Use of twitter and hash-tags has been commendable in making every campaign a success. Make in India's #makeinindia or clean India's #Mycleanindia, each of them tells story of success through social media.

He is the man having second largest number of Facebook page likes, second largest followers on twitter in whole world. This shows his ability to attract audience and engage them by firing and bombarding different campaigns, again backed by slogans and provoking speeches.


The recent visit of Mr. Modi, to the states, proved skills of our CMO. It lead to a flood of hashtags, including #ModimeetsAmerica, #ModiinUs, #NaMosteAmerica, #ModiinDC and last but not the least, 'the baap' of all, #ModiatMadison.

He has been an initiator, strategist, influencer, great orator, marketer and of course prime minister of India. He has left world glittered through his ability to understand consumer, formulation of marketing plan and strategy to implement it and finally getting results out of it, that too without any high profile degree and that is why I call him the greatest marketer alive on earth.

Any doubts on that...!!

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