Festival Season is on, and we just celebrated arguably the biggest festival in India, Diwali, for Lord Rama's Victory over Devil Raavan. We celebrate this festival as a symbol of victory of truth and virtue over lies and evil. But then this celebration should be done every day, not once in a year, so why does we do that. It is mentioned in old and historic hindu mythological literature, particularly Ramacharita Manas, about whole life of Lord Rama and the war between him and his counterpart Raavan, his victory and how it was celebrated in his hometown ayodhya.
But to the amaze, it is nowhere mentioned, to celebrate it every year on such large scale and not adopting and implementing its meaning in your daily lives.
Then how we have landed up doing what is not required or necessary..??
The answer lies in one word..!!
We think religion as a very necessary thing and its whole purpose is giving back goodness of God to the society or part of society it is followed by. But actually is this the case..!?
My intention here is not to hurt anybody's sentiments, but to raise the level of our thinking, which we all have restricted to ground level in these issues.
Then how we have landed up doing what is not required or necessary..??
The answer lies in one word..!!
We think religion as a very necessary thing and its whole purpose is giving back goodness of God to the society or part of society it is followed by. But actually is this the case..!?
My intention here is not to hurt anybody's sentiments, but to raise the level of our thinking, which we all have restricted to ground level in these issues.
I can think of every religion as a business house, whose vision and mission is to make profit by serving more and more customers , similar to the any other business on this earth.
They have all the function areas which we can see in any business around the globe.Every religion has a board of directors, led by a chairman, which makes the decision of what should be the year's target and growth path of the religion.
They have multi level managerial posts assigned to different gurus, to manage different products, catering to different set of customers. Where they treat God as a product to earn profits from their target market,devotees of particular God.
They have different centres spread across countries, while headquartered at one place on earth. Every religion engages it in marketing of its product by innovative use of traditional and non conventional ways of marketing. Whether by making the news of ganeshji drinking milk,viral on privately owned TV and media channels,or in print and social media.
There is a tough competition among all the religious business houses to get a good share of market and in turn good share of profits, and for that, each one of them positioned their products differently and claim their product to be the best among the lot. Every firm has created different marketing campaigns, which attract customer and increase the brand recall and recognition time to time.
These marketing campaigns are nothing but sales promotion campaigns in the form of festivals and fasting for some days, which gives more customer base to the company and therefore increasing returns.
But then in the whole process of value creation of each firm, who is the net looser. The customer, who himself doesn't knows that he has been used as a customer by so and so firm, and therefore enjoys whatever company offers at any price.Its time for customer to wake up from his sleep and realize the injustice he has been through, before it's too late.
"Jago Grahak Jago.."
Issued in public interest..!!