Chemistry is a subject which all have studied in school, some who liked it continued its studies further, but most (including me) wanted to it to over. But one thing we all accept is its importance in our existence. It is the thing which explains the functioning of this universe, our world, and human psychology.

There are two types of fires, the one which gets extinguished by the water and another which manages to evaporate it.While the old school of thought is being the fire of the first type, cautious not to be extinguished by water, the new school of thought is being the fire which evaporates water,

Sun is the center of our existence and a chemical reaction is the reason of Sun's heat and light. One atom (the basic particle which makes everything) collides another atom or nucleus (a smaller particle), bifurcating it and simultaneously releasing a tremendous energy. These two generated atoms collide with other two and make them break releasing energy. This is the chain reaction our Sun and every star in this universe work.
The Similar type of process occurs in the motivation of people. One self-motivated person (atom) given the suitable environment (nucleus) absorbs energy from the environment, motivates people around him/her (bifurcation) and makes the environment better (releasing energy) for the motivation of people.
This process continues from people to people resulting in the motivational chain reaction which enables the organization enhancing the quality of its invaluable asset, its employees.
It helps an organization to possess a set of highly motivated employees which helps it to perform better and attracts high return yielding assets from outside. This helps the organization grow, better reward its employees and motivate them better.
The fuel for the motivational chain reaction
What is required to start and maintain motivational chain reaction in your organization?
- A self-motivated employee: The first component is having a self-motivated individual onboard who can influence others around.
- Suitable Environment: Most of the time we have the first component for the motivational chain reaction but fail to give a kick start by providing the proper environment. There are some factors which determine the environment provided to employees, and the below image says it all.
Organizations hire self-motivated people, expect them to turn around tables but fail to provide a suitable environment which results in demotivation of that individual. They fail to realize, a motivated person or team can do wonders even if they lack the required skills, but a skilled and demotivated person will be unable to do his basic job.
"Motivated ass can run like a horse but a demotivated horse can not even behave like an ass".
Organizations need to think, change and be CEO in the above image and not CFO.
Two schools of thoughts of Motivation
When we discuss motivation, two schools of thoughts exists which stand a pole apart.
The old school of thought, "Your company (people) determines your company (workplace)". It is said to choose your friends wisely as they have an impact on your thinking, behavior, attitude, actions and success.
It is a conservative way of thinking which assumes only your company would have an impact on you and not the other way round. It also tells to hold others responsible for the failure and being reactive to the things not in our control.
There are two types of fires, the one which gets extinguished by the water and another which manages to evaporate it.While the old school of thought is being the fire of the first type, cautious not to be extinguished by water, the new school of thought is being the fire which evaporates water,
The new school of thought says "Be such a company (people) so that your company (people) can choose any company (workplace) he wants". Be powerful enough to maintain your flame but to heat the water around you also.
It directs to take authority and be the charge of the things in our control and bring a positive change. What if the organization lacks the environment for motivation, you be the change and start the motivational chain reaction because an individual is the center of the chain reaction, not the environment.
It is a human tendency to always find excuses for the failure and also let others take the first step and be the follower, but some sheep among the flock of sheep who act as a lion, takes the responsibility, leads and shows others how it is done.
Are you the lion and acting as the center of the motivational chain reaction in your organization? If not then it is time and neither wait for others nor held the organization accountable for failing in starting the motivational chain reaction.