There are hundreds to thousands of success mantras, tips and techniques but there is no mathematical formula to aceive success. Let's try to derive a formula where depend variable is Success (S) and it is dependent on various independent variables. But before that, we should be clear with what are we trying to find out.
The first answer to get is what is success?
Earth is approaching the heat furnace of milky way galaxy 'the Sun' , giving rise to mercury level as if the count of population of country. Summer vacation is coming soon and you may be planning to go to a beautiful hill station to spend some time with family or friends.
For this, you will prepare an itinerary, will finish up your work, will postpone all your meetings, will pack your bags, will take the pilot position in your SUV and will be ready to take off. At that moment the success for you will be to reach the pre-reserved hotel at hill station safely and on time. Thus, success is nothing but acheiving what you want, reaching where you want to be.
To achieve success there are some independent variables which determine weather success will be achieved or not and if achieved, what will be the level of success.
The variables on which success (S) is dependent are:
While considering all the factors, the success of an individual or an organization can be calculated by formula:
S = Success
A = Believe Factor
B = Goal Factor
C = Objectives Factor
D = Path Factor
E = Strength Factor
F = Change Factor
G = Luck Factor
0 < S,A,B,C,D,E,F < infinite
infinite < G < infinite
a = Degree of Belief
b = Degree of Setting
c = Degree of objectives
d = Degree of choice
e = Degree of stay
f = Degree of adaption
0 < a,b,c,d,e,f < infinite
How to apply the fromula?
This equation works in totally opposite fromat than the normal equations. In any normal equation, we put values of variables on R.H.S (right hand side) of the equation to get the value of dependenf L.H.S. (left hand side). But here, in the bigining of journey you fix the value of Success, which you want to achieve which may vary from 0 to infinity and on the bases of that, you decide which factor you have put how much to acheive the desired success.
The degree of each variable varies from 0 to infinite. You start your journey with every degree = 1, but in course of jouurney, something unexpected occured and the degree of stay and the degree of adaptation both falls to 0.5, but you managed to take degree of beleif to 2.
Thus the level of success which you decided earlier to acheive will change but you will acheive some extent of that definitely.
If we want to acheive the same level of success which you decided, then you have to compensate some other degrees till you get the perfect combination.
We can acheive any level of success, just we have to push limits of our efforts and increase our degree of efforts at every point in the journey towards success.
The first answer to get is what is success?
Earth is approaching the heat furnace of milky way galaxy 'the Sun' , giving rise to mercury level as if the count of population of country. Summer vacation is coming soon and you may be planning to go to a beautiful hill station to spend some time with family or friends.
For this, you will prepare an itinerary, will finish up your work, will postpone all your meetings, will pack your bags, will take the pilot position in your SUV and will be ready to take off. At that moment the success for you will be to reach the pre-reserved hotel at hill station safely and on time. Thus, success is nothing but acheiving what you want, reaching where you want to be.
To achieve success there are some independent variables which determine weather success will be achieved or not and if achieved, what will be the level of success.
The variables on which success (S) is dependent are:
- Believe in yourself (A): In the words of great warrior and leader Sun Tzu, "Every battle is won before it is fought". Believe in yourself and you have done half the work. The path to your goal is half covered. In our example of summer vacation on hill station, you decide to go to hill station and believe you can go there by road and trust yourself that you can drive to the destination. By doing so, the half of the work is done.

- Setting up your goal (B): This variable demands to set your ultimate goal. The things you want to achieve which will lead to your success. In our case, hill station is the ultimate goal.
- Setting up intermediate objectives (C): Division of ultimate goal into number of objectives which altogether will lead to achievement of goal. While preparing the itinerary, there would be things planned which you will do before going to hill station, that cold be stopping at the old friend's house, stopping at gas station, stopping for refreshments.
- Choosing the path to achieve objectives (D): There are number of paths leading to your goal and objectives and every path has its own pros and cons. One path my be the fastest but it requires a toll to be paid, or a path may be the shortest and have good restaurants on roadside but is bad for your SUV's shockers and tyre.

- Strength to stay on the path (E): When people have to cover a long distance, there are times when motivation level of an individual is pulled down by unpredictable obstacles. When you were just about to move out of the main city and enter the highway, you got a massive jam, which happened because of a truck rolled on the highway.

- Be change adaptive (F): Don't be stubborn in your approach. Failure in achieving one objective doesn't always lead to failure in achieving goal. If you were not able to visit your old friend which you planned as an objective contributing in final goal achievement, give yourself a break and don't be too rigid on completing the objective or dropping the journey there only.
- Luck factor (G): Don't be overconfident and always have a backup plan. Don't go by the senseless statement which is quoted often to make people follow their path will full believe and faith. "backup plan is for those who are not confident enough on their 1st plan". In case the road which you choose to take is under construction or there is a massive accident due to which road will be blocked for 24 hrs, you'll be left with wither of two options, wait for 24 hrs or turn back to home and drop the plan of going hill station.
While considering all the factors, the success of an individual or an organization can be calculated by formula:
S = abcdef√{(A)a(B)b(C)c(D)d(E)e(F)f } + G
S = Success
A = Believe Factor
B = Goal Factor
C = Objectives Factor
D = Path Factor
E = Strength Factor
F = Change Factor
G = Luck Factor
0 < S,A,B,C,D,E,F < infinite
infinite < G < infinite
a = Degree of Belief
b = Degree of Setting
c = Degree of objectives
d = Degree of choice
e = Degree of stay
f = Degree of adaption
0 < a,b,c,d,e,f < infinite
How to apply the fromula?
This equation works in totally opposite fromat than the normal equations. In any normal equation, we put values of variables on R.H.S (right hand side) of the equation to get the value of dependenf L.H.S. (left hand side). But here, in the bigining of journey you fix the value of Success, which you want to achieve which may vary from 0 to infinity and on the bases of that, you decide which factor you have put how much to acheive the desired success.
The degree of each variable varies from 0 to infinite. You start your journey with every degree = 1, but in course of jouurney, something unexpected occured and the degree of stay and the degree of adaptation both falls to 0.5, but you managed to take degree of beleif to 2.
Thus the level of success which you decided earlier to acheive will change but you will acheive some extent of that definitely.

We can acheive any level of success, just we have to push limits of our efforts and increase our degree of efforts at every point in the journey towards success.